
Face up in a field, flowers at our heels. Quickly comfort finds us And takes us away from here.

Yesterday was just to nice to spend indoors. I wish the weather in Philadelphia would be like this more often.

Feeding pigeons. Lou creepin' into the picture.

My favorite pigeon of the day. The little awkward runt of the group.

My favorite part of the day. Big Poodle vs. Little Poodle.


She's laughing like a choir girl. When she doubles over sounds like Hallelujah.

I was just told by Julie to photoblog more. Now that summer is starting, I will hopefully update this a lot more with my adventures. And why not make a post about an adorable kitten?

Since Lola has been back home in New York I have been staying at her apartment on the weekends, and stopping by on and off during the week, to help take care of her precious kitten. Today I managed to snag a picture of her when she wasn't gnawing my hand off or running around like crazy. Just flat out adorable.



"Only boring people are ever bored" 
-Duane Michals

I had the pleasure of going to see one of my favorite photographers, Duane Michals, speak this afternoon at school.  There is so much I could talk about, but it would probably take days. Without a doubt he was the most entertaining lecturer (if you could even call him that) that I have seen.  He is a 76 year old man with a mouth like a trucker, a sense of humor bigger then this world, and a knack for the narrative.  He was unbelievably motivational and opinionated, and I can honestly say that my life is forever changed.  I bought his book Foto Follies: How Photography Lost Its Virginity on the Way to the Bank and he signed it saying "To Jamie with the lightning LIGHTNING RODS IN HER MOUTH, Dr. Duanus"

This is a series he did titled "Grandpa Goes To Heaven." It's a perfect example of his mixture of story telling and humor.  Sorry for the tiny tiny pictures, it was the only online source I could quickly find with the whole series.