
Paper planes. Folding paper planes. Throwing paper planes, to clear my head.

This is the alternative print assignment I just did for my Junior Workshop class (inkjet transfer). The second part is due next week where we have to improve on our original idea....I still don't know exactly what I'm doing but I have a good idea.

I still have a lot of work to post that I finally scanned from last semester along with some photos from this semester, so expect a lot of updates in the near future!


This is a city for not sleeping; The clocks are set by feel. At this moment, from where I sit, none of it seems real.

This is from an alternative camera assignment for my workshop class, we basically could use anything that wasnt a SLR. I had such a nightmare with my original idea that I don't even feel like explaining. Stephanie was nice enough let me use her quadcam application on her iphone so i would have something to put up during the critique. Even with the rushed last minute project, I really love it.